B.C. Rich Warlock War Pack Reviews 5

well, this great story started when i got cheap ass silvertone guitar. I was getting pretty good at guitar and realized this guitar sucks. So i went to music123.com and found the guitar of my dreams a war pack. It was beautiful, god was it attractive, i loved it so much so i bought it, life is good to me. But the only bad thing was it took 3 weeks for me to get that guitar in my arms.

Well simpley everything, great sound if you into metal/hardcore.It looks so beautiful,i would have sex with it if i could, when i die that guitar will be bured with me for the after life.I've started a band with it and i play lead we are surprizingly pretty good.

Well the amp is'nt the best but hey i got a warlock, thing looks wicked.

Quality is great.

By the way im 16 years old, i honestly love this guitar.Rock on! dammit.You know this guitar deserves a 10.

is it me rated this unit 5 on 2003-07-18.

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